LFF Anti-Human Trafficking P&A Features
Trafficking is the fastest growing and second largest criminal industry in the United States and in Louisiana alone, over the last several years thousands of victims have been identified as either confirmed or prospective victims of human sex or labor trafficking.
Metanoia is a word of ancient Greek origin meaning the journey of changing one’s mind, heart and self or way of life. Metanoia is also a safe haven in Louisiana for victims of sex trafficking, a secure place where caring adults help survivors heal emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
Trafficking is the fastest growing and second largest criminal industry in the United States and in Louisiana alone, over the last several years thousands of victims have been identified as either confirmed or prospective victims of human sex or labor trafficking. The Texas-to-Florida corridor is a major route for this heinous crime. The average age of victims is 13 and they come from every walk of life – some are abducted while others are lured by traffickers. All of these victims are in need of a safe place to recover and rebuild. Metanoia grew as a response to this epidemic.
Gov. John Bel Edwards and First Lady Donna Edwards are very passionate about the prevention of human trafficking, also referred to as modern day slavery. They have traveled to Rome to meet with church and government officials about working together on a global scale to end this terrible crime and are proud to have helped open Metanoia in 2017.
Blessed with a dedicated staff who works tirelessly to meet the needs of the survivors, through hard work, faith, education, devotion and love, Metanoia provides a means to help them rebuild their lives and transition into productive members of society who will not be defined by the past.
To learn more please visit http://metanoia-inc.org