3rd Global Human Trafficking Summit

Global Human Trafficking Summit
Presented by First Lady Yumi Hogan
and the State of Maryland
April 29, 2021
Louisiana First Foundation hosted its third Global Human Sex Trafficking Summit on April 29, 2021. First Lady Yumi Hogan and the State of Maryland were the presenters. This summit had 335 participants representing 18 states, Australia and Rome. The next summit is scheduled to be held in July and will address the topic of online trafficking.
These summits provide those working in this field to meet and discuss best practices. Sharing information across state lines and into other countries leads one step closer to eradicating this crime.
The featured speakers included:
- First Lady Donna Edwards of Louisiana
- First Lady Yumi Hogan of Maryland
- Joe Baldwin – Assistant U.S. Attorney District of Maryland, Chair Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force
- Glenn Fueston -E.D. Maryland Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth and Victim Services
- Johnna Geesaman – Program Coordinator, Safe Place Child Advocacy in Washington County
- Marion Gill – Coordinator, Family Violence Programs, Cecil County/
- Trafficking Regional Navigator, Cecil County Child Advocacy Center
- Michelle Farr – E.D. Social Services Administration, Maryland Department of Human Services
- Michael Piercy – Director, Washington County Social Services
- Susan G. Esserman, Esq. – Founder and Director, University of Maryland SAFE (Support, Advocacy, Freedom, Empowerment)
- Susan B. Hansell – State Chapter Director, Maryland Children’s Alliance
- Nadine Finigan-Carr, Ph.D. – Director, Prevention of Adolescent Risks Initiative at University of Maryland, Baltimore, School of Social Work
Topics discussed include:
- Federal and the State of Maryland Collaboration through Maryland Human Trafficking Taskforce
- State of Maryland Programs and Grants
- County Perspectives – Child Trafficking Regional Navigator
- The University of Maryland Model and Global View
- Adapting the National Children’s Alliance Standards for Victims of Child Trafficking
- Preventing Child Sex Trafficking in Maryland
Visit the Louisiana First Foundation website resource page for more information on the speakers, topics, and to access a recording of the summit.