Global Human Trafficking Summit

Global Human Trafficking Summit
Presented by First Lady Yumi Hogan
and the State of Maryland
April 29, 2021
Join us for our next Global Human Sex Trafficking Summit sponsored by the Louisiana First Foundation and presented by First Lady Yumi Hogan and the State of Maryland on April 29, 2021, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. CST.
An access link will be sent to you upon registration.
Featured speakers include:
- First Lady Donna Edwards of Louisiana
- First Lady Yumi Hogan of Maryland
- Maryland Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services
- Maryland Human Trafficking Taskforce
- Maryland Department of Social Services
- Safe Place Child Advocacy Center
- University of Maryland SAFE Center
- Maryland Children’s Alliance
Topics discussed include:
- Preventing Child Sex Trafficking in Maryland
- Child Trafficking Regional Navigator
- Adapting the NCA Standards for Victims of Child Trafficking
- Resources for Victims and Families
Visit the Louisiana First Foundation website resource page for more information on these speakers and topics.
Click this link to register!
Note: CEUs for Social Workers have been applied for at NASW.La. We will provide additional details regarding CEUs in a future email (upon approval).