Feature: Celebrating Moments of Motherhood

Mother’s Day 2023
Celebrating Moments of Motherhood
By Renee Antoine
Governor’s Office of Women’s Policy (OWP)
The first recorded Mother’s Day took place on May 10, 1908. For over a century, our country has acknowledged the agape love shared by mothers and motherly figures to children and communities. Louisiana has experienced miraculous moments throughout history, led by those serving in honorable motherly roles. Mothers are those whose service and efforts may go unnoticed or unrewarded. Our mothers’ love and dedication create unsung heroes across all backgrounds, ages, and sectors.
There are various similarities between mothers and motherly figures in our beloved communities
- The willingness to serve others even in times of tribulation for themselves.
- Being selfless when the needs of their children arise.
- Creating safe spaces for children who seek refuge in times of need.
- Forging a path of education for our most precious learners and future generations of Louisiana.
- Praying for miracles of health and providing hope to those in despair.
- Advancing policy to further the growth and prosperity of our families.
- Fostering joy and unity for all despite differences.
Above all, they encompass faith, hope, and love as they journey through motherhood’s unpredictable but beautiful journey.
Mothers and motherly figures come from all classes, creeds, and communities. There are no two completely alike or different. The respect and honor we uphold for the sacrifices made by our mothers remain the same.
As we approach and pass Mother’s Day, remember to uplift every journey and celebrate each moment of motherhood throughout our state. Moments of Motherhood create memories that often build towards historic movements of resilience, patience, and strength.
Louisiana has countless individuals who are mothers and/or serve in mother-figure roles to help make our state a better place.
Birth Moments:
In 2022, over 170,000 babies were born in Louisiana. We celebrate and honor all those entering the world of motherhood and embracing life’s miracles. We pray for those who may be experiencing grief during this time.
Foster Care Moments:
There are over 1,800 Foster families in Louisiana. We support all those creating a safe space for children in their biggest time of need. http://www.louisianafosters.la.gov/
Education Moments:
Women make up 81% of all public school teachers in Louisiana. We recognize and appreciate your dedication to our future generation and their development. louisianabelieves.com/teaching
Healthcare Moments:
May is National Nurses Month. There are over 87,000 women who are frontline health workers in Louisiana. We thank you for your service and honor your unwavering commitment to the health of our state. “Nurses Make a Difference: Anytime, Anywhere-Always.” Louisiana Board of Nursing and Education
Mental Health Moments:
May is Mental Health awareness month. Postpartum depression and other related mood disorders are the most common complication of childbirth. Many moments require strength to ask for assistance and receive support from resources. The 988 hotline is free and available for anyone in need of support. https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/988
Motherhood is a tapestry woven with threads of different colors, textures, and lengths, each unique and beautiful in its own way. Still, together it creates a masterpiece of diversity and strength in Louisiana. Please join The Office of Women’s Policy in celebrating all Moments of Motherhood. Happy Mother’s Day.
The Governor’s Office on Women’s Policy (OWP) supports public policy that promotes the educational, health, social, and economic well-being of women and girls in Louisiana. A primary function of the office is to serve as a connector between non-profits, state sectors, federal agencies, educational institutions, legislators, and citizens. The office provides expertise, education, and research to inform policy, programs, and community engagement efforts that will further the status of Louisiana women. In addition, OWP convenes the Louisiana Women’s Policy and Research Commission and the Domestic Violence Prevention Commission.
Learn more and partner with the Governor’s Office of Women’s Policy by visiting: gov.louisiana.gov/page/womens-policy
or via email: renee.antoine@la.gov

About Renee Antoine
Renee Antoine is a public health policy advocate and national maternal child health consultant. She has served in a variety of positions advocating for women, children and families across the state of Louisiana and nationally. She currently serves as the Executive Director for the Governor’s Office of Women’s Policy in Louisiana. She works collaboratively with all Louisiana stakeholders who serve women across the lifespan. Her recent accolades include serving as State Director for Maternal Child Health and Government Affairs for March of Dimes. Renee is from Baton Rouge, Louisiana and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from Louisiana State University. Her graduate research continued to the University of Iowa in epigenetics and culminated at the University of Virginia in Developmental Psychology where she published studies on and child cognition and intellectual development.