Louisiana Fosters – The Foster Village
Louisiana Fosters
TFV stores items used to equip children
who have been through traumatic events of loss.
THE FOSTER VILLAGE is a Non-Profit focused on providing support for our local foster children. We currently operate as a FREE Boutique located in Walker, Louisiana. TFV stores items used to equip children that have been through traumatic events of loss. The children we assist fall under multiple categories, which include foster care, kinship, family services, etc. It is our practice to verify placements &/or receive referrals from a staff member on the case. By providing clothing, hygiene items, bedding, etc. we hope to make their transition phase as smooth as possible. We want to help pave the road to a better life, as well as host events where they can find support & encouragement.
Recently we were approached by one of the Leadership Ascension class of 2020 groups, with a proposal to bring TFV to Ascension as their project for the year. A local church was eager to partner & had a space that would be an excellent fit for a new location. Ascension Parish Chamber of Commerce established The Leadership Ascension Program in 1995 to educate and prepare future leaders within Ascension Parish. Since its inception, the program has become renowned as one of the preeminent leadership programs in the region. The main goal of the Foundation is to facilitate and maintain fundraising monies to benefit local charities in the Ascension Parish area. This corporation allows for donors to take advantage of tax benefits offered for charitable and educational purposes as exempt organizations under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954. http://www.ascensionchamber.com
It is with much excitement that we announce our newest partnership with Fellowship Church of Prairieville, Louisiana. https://fellowshipchurch.cc Fellowship’s mission pastor, Brian Robert, has been working on a vision of a community hub to assist the local community. Fellowship Church prides itself on existing to bring real life in Christ to Ascension Parish and beyond. They strive to be a diverse, bold church that introduces all people to Jesus. With that in mind will soon begin renovations on a property the church is graciously allowing to house The Foster Village Ascension location as well as stocking the Foster Village with much-needed supplies for the foster families of our community.
As our team moves forward to bring this vision to life, we could use the community’s help. There will be many opportunities for you to get involved whether you are looking to donate items, time, or monetarily. All are welcome. It takes a village to raise a child; Be the Village! Support the community’s kids! Support TFV Ascension! Ways to get involved:
Contact The Foster Village – (225) 283-6297
For donations, make checks payable to:
Leadership Ascension Foundation
1006 W. Highway 30
Gonzales, LA 70737
(In the memo – The Ascension Foster Village)
For donation information, to sign up to volunteer & for Updates: www.TFVWalker.org/Ascension