Teach MAM
Teach MAM: An Exciting Partnership to Strengthen Arts Education Across Louisiana
Our First Ambassador!

Mickey Smith Jr. First Ambassador for the Teach MAM Program
Louisiana First Foundation (LFF) is proud to announce the selection of our first Ambassador for the Teach MAM program! Mickey Smith Jr. of Maplewood Middle School in Sulphur, Louisiana, is the recipient of the 2020 Music Educator Award™ presented by the Recording Academy® and GRAMMY Museum®. Initial nominations were submitted from all 50 states, and Louisiana’s own, Mickey Smith, was chosen as the winner!
As the first Teach MAM ambassador, Mickey will be providing recorded music lessons available to all. A link is provided below to his YouTube channel. Here you’ll find his new Music FUNdamental Covid-Curriculum!!!! A step-by-step approach keeps beginning band students across our country engaged during this quarantine is provided. Check out the PLAYLIST entitled for virtual lessons. “MODULE ONE” is available for use, and more lessons will be posted in the future.
Look for them on the First Lady’s Facebook page:
Mickey’s mission is to reach every student who enters his classroom. He serves as the lead band director at Maplewood Middle School in Sulphur, Louisiana. Under his direction, the band has grown more than 500 percent and now encompasses nearly 50 percent of the total school population. His goal is to help provide a quality education to each child in his classroom and throughout his community by promoting positive learning experiences where children not only grow musically, but personally too. Smith sees music and education as opportunities for all to discover the best in others and themselves. Through his nonprofit, MusicMakers2U, Smith provides instruments to children in the community. Throughout the school year, Smith conveys a message to students that each one of them has a “sound.” Smith describes his personal “sound” as his ability to entertain, educate and elevate everyone to excellence. This is made evident as he demonstrates the power of music by emotionally connecting with students, educators and audiences throughout his entire community and across the country.
LFF is proud to have Mickey as an ambassador and partner. With his talent and energy, the directive of having music education available to all students in Louisiana is one step closer.
Visit Micky’s Website: https://mickeysmithjr.com/