Royal Family Kids Camps
Serve up Fun for Kids in Foster Care
Royal Family Kids Camps
Serve up Fun for Kids in Foster Care
The 2023 Royal Family Kids Camps allowed 89 children in foster care across the state to swim, fish, and make new friends in a safe and caring environment.
The camp model is from the national faith-based nonprofit For the Children and serves children ages 6 to 12. The goal is to help children in foster care grow in resiliency, self-esteem, and hope while creating positive memories. The curriculum and activities use the Trust-Based Relational Intervention model to provide the camp counselors with a better understanding of the difficulties the children have faced.
There are currently four active camps across the state: Minden in the Northwest, Monroe in the Northeast, Pitkin in the Southwest, and Hammond in the Southeast. Camp directors work year-round, recruiting volunteers and donations to make each camp successful.
The Minden camp almost didn’t happen, as a storm came through and knocked out electricity before the first day. Just before the counselors loaded the campers back on the bus to go home, the lights came back on, and they could stay!
In Hammond, two previous campers served as support staff. Camp Directors John and Julie Wondergem noted that both “did an amazing job and were overjoyed to give back to these kids what had been given to them.”
No matter the ups or downs, the camps all turned out to be excellent for the children who attended, and the directors are all looking forward to planning for 2024.
The Need for Foster Caregivers Continues
The Royal Family Kids Camps are a great example of local nonprofit organizations partnering with the Department of Children and Family Services for the good of our state’s children, in this case our children in foster care.
The need for foster caregivers is ongoing. Foster parents play a special role in the life of a child who has had to leave their family. If you are considering becoming a foster parent, visit https://www.dcfs.louisiana.gov/page/foster-parenting to learn more.
July Adoption Spotlight

Each month we feature children and teens available for adoption in Louisiana.
We want to introduce you to Malachi and Jadynn from the Lake Charles Region for July.
Malachi – 12
Malachi is a well-mannered young man who loves being around others. School is essential to him, and he also enjoys outside activities and video games. Malachi would love to belong to a family with other children, especially close to his age. He desires a family who participates in outdoor activities and does fun things. Malachi is looking for a forever family willing to help him reach his fullest potential.
Jadynn – 14
Jadynn enjoys working in the yard and working with his hands. He wants to be a mechanic when he grows up and likes taking things apart and putting them back together. Jadynn enjoys attending school and interacts well with others. He has a huge heart and is always willing to share. He would love to be adopted by someone who can help him assemble model cars and work outside in the yard. Jadynn has a loving relationship with his sister and desires to maintain their family connection.
If you are considering adopting or fostering a child, take that first step by attending a free virtual orientation session. For more information about becoming a foster/adoptive parent and the training available, visit our website. You can also call your regional office or email DCFS.HomeDevelopment@la.gov with your name and parish of residence for more information.