Teach MAM
Teach MAM: An Exciting Partnership to Strengthen Arts Education Across Louisiana

Let’s Get Out and Move Louisianans…
Physical Activity and Summer Fun
for the Whole Family
By Teach MAM Movement Ambassador
Keyre’ Reed Bradford
Summer is here and it’s time to enjoy some much needed downtime. Yes! It is hot outside and temperatures are high, but that does not mean you and your family can not stay active. Physical activity is so important and vital to mental, emotional and physical health. Physical activity is anything that gets your body moving and elevates your heart rate. (cdc.gov)
The CDC (Center for Disease Control) suggests that adults need 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity and 2 days of muscle strengthening activity per week.(cdc.gov) On the other hand, ShapeAmerica recommends that children and adolescents 6-17 years do 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily.(ShapeAmerica.org) The great thing is, you are able to configure the activity in any form that meets you and your children’s needs.
The goal is to move more and sit less!
Take advantage of the summer and relaxed schedule with the kids out of school and utilize the extra time by being active and exercising. We all know the benefits of regular physical activity and exercise for adults, but what about for kids?
As suggested in Children’s Health, regular exercise benefits a child in many ways (childrens.com):
- Develop coordination and basic motor skills
- Build muscle and bone strength, cardiovascular endurance and flexibility
- Reduce the risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease
- Build confidence and a sense of self-worth
- Improve sleep quality
- Reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety
- Increase the child’s ability to focus and concentrate when returning to school
Since physical activity provides so many benefits for children and adults, we can not afford to sit around and waste time. We all need to Get Up, Get Out, and Get Moving!
Activities you can do with your child/children to stay physically active during the hot summer months:
- Go swimming and if you do not have a pool head to your local recreational pool, YMCA, or family friend’s house
- Go rollerblading or skating around your neighborhood in the morning or late afternoon
- Go bike riding in the morning or late afternoon
- Have a water balloon toss
- Go bowling or create your own bowling lane outside using non-breakable items
- Go play in the park during the early morning or when the sun starts to set
- Have a dance party inside while incorporating some exercise moves along with your dance moves
- Head over to a recreational splash pad or splash park
- Play frisbee, hopscotch, freeze tag, or hide and seek
- Play mini golf by setting up obstacles around the outside of your house
- Play cornhole, ring toss, or basket toss with everyday house items
- Jump on the trampoline while setting the sprinkler underneath
- Go bowling
- Go skating at the skating rink
Regardless of which activity you choose to participate in, the most important thing is to be Physically Active! Remember being physically active is crucial to maintaining and developing health and wellness. If necessary, start small and work your way to an increased level of physical activity. Always consult with your child’s pediatrician and your general physician before beginning a new exercise plan or routine.
Works Cited:
“Summer Bucket List” Action For Healthy Kids.org; Action for Healthy Kids, May 2022
“How much physical activity do adults need?” cdc.gov; Physical Activity, June 2022
“How to keep kids active during the summer” childrens.com; Health and Wellness, 2022