Beauregard Parish
South Beauregard Elementary
2022 Louisiana Elementary School State Teacher of the Year
Engagement through Classroom Transformations
As we begin the winter season, our school days are often filled with busy schedules, making plans, meeting deadlines, and most importantly, excited students! The weeks that fall from Thanksgiving until the New Year can bring lots of excitement in the classroom, so it is important as teachers to keep the excitement going when the students return from winter break. There are many ways that teachers can incorporate engagement strategies in the classroom and ensure that all students are excited to learn each and every day. As I begin to plan something new for my students, I like to keep in mind my 3 E’s of Engagement: Effective, Engaging, and Exciting.
One of my most favorite things to do as a classroom teacher, is to bring the element of surprise to my students through classroom transformations! Every day as children arrive at school, teachers have the opportunity to make an everlasting impression on their students and the way that they learn. Many days throughout the year, my students will arrive, expecting a normal school day, and then the classroom is transformed into a new environment! Whether they arrive at a Fractions Pizzeria, StarBUCKS Cafe, NFL Touchdown to Learning, or Inferencing Class Detectives, the students are involved and enthusiastic about the lesson activities. By incorporating classroom transformations, you will be surprised at how effective, engaging, and exciting your lessons will be!
As teachers create lesson plans, students have a variety of objectives and standards that need to be met. It is important as teachers to be sure that all students are able to successfully meet those expectations. With classroom transformations, students are motivated, involved, and eager to achieve any educational goals that are set for the day. By having effective lessons, students are more likely to achieve higher levels of academic success. The more often I do classroom transformations, the more times I find my students referring back to those lessons when accessing prior knowledge and talking about their experiences for days to come. That is when I know that classroom transformations not only effectively achieve lesson objectives, but also create memorable learning experiences!
Capturing student’s engagement is key to the success of classroom transformations. As the students walk in the door on a transformation day, or begin their lesson activities, they are instantly engaged with the new, personalized learning environment! Classroom transformations allow students the ability to use the skills that they have learned, and use them in a fun, more engaging way. When teachers use classroom transformations in the classroom, it provides the students with a hands-on approach while giving them the opportunity to create, collaborate, and discover a new love for learning. This engagement will give students the motivation and determination to complete any task that you have planned for them. When students are engaged in the lesson, they are more likely to show growth and push themselves beyond their expectations!
There is nothing more exciting for a student than to be surprised when they walk into their classroom and see something unexpected! By getting the students excited about the upcoming school day, it inspires them to complete the lesson activities as they anticipate what is to come. During these transformations, students are using the skills that they have learned and applying them to real life situations and environments. This allows students of all abilities to connect to the outside world, while giving them an experience like no other. As I plan each of these classroom transformations, I am reminded of all of the joy and excitement that it brings to my students, which inspires me to continue to provide an unforgettable learning experience for my students!
Planning a Classroom Transformation
When planning your first classroom transformation, there are a few things to keep in mind so that both you and your students can fully enjoy the experience.
- Keep the decorations cheap and easy!
Classroom transformations do not have to be expensive or time consuming. Simple decorations such as plastic table cloths, a poster, sign, or banner, and activity supplies will help bring your classroom transformation to the next level. A few decorations to match the theme is all you need for the students to recognize that they will have something new and exciting during their school day!
- Focus on the content.
The goal of classroom transformations is to bring life to the skills or content you have already been teaching, and present it in a different way. Sometimes, this could be as simple as finding the difference between two scoreboards during a football transformation, or other times applying what they have learned about counting coins to make change during a cafe’ transformation. This gives teachers the opportunity to give students real life experiences and inspire them to think outside the box.
- Have fun!
What brings the most joy to students during a classroom transformation, is when they see their teacher excited about learning, too. By wearing a referee shirt and whistle, or using your best Italian accent, the students are sure to buy into the theme and enjoy the excitement that is to come.
By incorporating classroom transformations into your classroom after the winter break, you are sure to bring a new level of excitement into the classroom. This level of engagement from your students just may inspire you to continue to provide these exciting learning experiences, throughout the remainder of the year! As I plan each of these transformations, I am reminded of how important it is to involve students in their learning so that they may reach past the expectations that we have set for them. It is crucial that all students are given the opportunity to achieve excellence in the classroom, which is why I am motivated to give them memorable learning experiences through classroom transformations!
Kaitlyn Richard
Beauregard Parish
South Beauregard Elementary
2022 Louisiana Elementary School State Teacher of the Year
Twitter: @KaitlynHRichard
Instagram: @kaitlynhrichard