Teach MAM
Teach MAM: An Exciting Partnership to Strengthen Arts Education Across Louisiana
Congratulations to Our First Teach MAM Grant Recipients!

Congratulations on a Job Well Done!!
The Teach MAM program will award three $500 grants each month of the school year to qualifying programs. Our first recipients are below:
Blackbaud Elementary – Terrebonne Parish
Melynda Rodrigue:
Melynda intends to use the funds to purchase Drum-N-Store buckets, exercise balls and drumsticks to promote an energetic workout and reduce the noise created by typical drums and sticks.
DeQuincy Middle School – Calcasieu Parish
Jessica Vincent:
The funds from this grant will be used to purchase heart rate monitors to be used in her P.E. class to promote heart and general health.
Lake Charles Charter Academy – Calcasieu Parish
Annie Smith:
Ms. Smith will use her grant funds to purchase paint and watercolor supplies, modeling clay, pipe cleaners, beads, colored chalk, string, etc.
Congratulations to our winners this month!
You can apply all year at this link: