Teach MAM
Teach MAM: An Exciting Partnership to Strengthen Arts Education Across Louisiana
Teach MAM Louisiana First Foundation to Launch Teach MAM Certification Pilot in Five Parishes this Spring

The Louisiana First Foundation is excited to announce the launch of our first Teach MAM Certification pilot program in five Louisiana parishes this spring, in partnership with the New Orleans Arts Education Alliance (ArtsEdALL). The parishes selected will come from different regions of the state, represent both urban and rural school districts, and reflect the diversity of students served by Louisiana public schools. We will invite five parishes to begin the pilot program in March, and all participating schools will receive Teach MAM certification as well as a stipend to support their Music, Arts and Movement programming.
Beginning in March, participating schools from selected parishes will conduct a self-assessment using Teach MAM’s new rubric and certification process, which will help them receive statewide recognition for the work they are already doing to bring music, arts and movement to their students, while also providing them with guidance to expand and improve their programming. In April and May, schools will participate in user feedback sessions with ArtsEdALL and the Louisiana First Foundation to ensure the Teach MAM rubric and certification process are accurate and user-friendly for administrators and teachers to work with. Based on this valuable feedback from our pilot schools, we anticipate rolling out the full Teach MAM Certification program in Fall 2019, ensuring all students in Louisiana have the chance to make and appreciate art, music and movement during their school day!