The Court Improvement Program (CIP) of the Louisiana Supreme Court and Pelican Center for Children and Families hosts monthly virtual CIP Cafes on the third Thursday of every month, from 12:00 pm-1:00 pm, to discuss relevant child welfare topics. Past CIP Café topics have included: Introduction to Act 6, Parent Engagement, Support, and Advocacy, LEAF Makes History: A Summary of the Foster Youth Bill of Rights in Louisiana, The New Louisiana Law on Permanent Placement of Children in Foster Care, Human Trafficking of Youth in Louisiana, and Care Settings Available for Children in Foster Care.
CIP Cafés are open to anyone interested in child welfare, including but not limited to attorneys, judges,
Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Department of Children and Family Services employees, other government agencies, social workers, foster caregivers, school faculty and teachers, emergency responders, community members, etc. CIP Cafes are free to attend and participants can earn 1.0 of CLE and CEU credits.
We are thrilled to announce that First Lady Donna Edwards will speak at the next virtual CIP Café on Thursday, April 21st, as we highlight National Child Abuse Prevention Month. Participants will have the opportunity to hear about the endeavors the First Lady is spearheading to improve outcomes for Louisiana children and families and create equitable opportunities for all, including the Louisiana Fosters, Louisiana First Foundation, and Anti Human Trafficking. In addition, The First Lady will share insights on Louisiana’s child welfare system and challenge stakeholder priorities for 2022 and beyond. Finally, participants will be able to ask questions as well as learn about helpful resources, and how to access more information.
For more information on the April 21st CIP Cafe, check out the CIP Café flyer below. To register, go to: https://www.teamdynamicsweb.com/event-4610699.
We hope you will join us on April 21st for this inspiring and conversational Café with the First Lady.