May is Foster Care Awareness Month
By Elizabeth W. (Beth) Green
Child Welfare Manager – Home Development, Faith/Community Partnerships
Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services

May is Foster Care
Awareness Month
Louisiana’s Quality Parenting Initiative
has Support for Families at its Center
By Elizabeth W. (Beth) Green
Child Welfare Manager – Home Development, Faith/Community Partnerships
Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services
May is National Foster Care Awareness Month. It is a time to acknowledge the 463,000 American children and youth in foster care and the family members, foster caregivers, volunteers, mentors, child welfare professionals, and policymakers who help children and youth find permanent homes and connections.
The theme of this year’s national awareness campaign is “Foster Care is a Support to Families, Not a Substitute for Parents.” The Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) embraced this theme in 2017 when it joined the Quality Parenting Initiative (QPI) movement. QPI strives to strengthen foster care by refocusing on quality parenting for all children and youth within the child welfare system. Research shows children and youth need consistent and effective parenting to thrive. When parents cannot care for their children, another caregiver must step in to provide loving, committed, and skilled care in partnership with the child welfare system.
QPI redefines the expectations of foster caregivers and provides the resources and tools they need. It emphasizes the importance of building a bridge between the foster care system, foster caregivers, and biological parents with the goal of reuniting children and youth in foster care with their families. Quality foster caregivers open their hearts and homes to children and youth by meeting their daily needs and supporting and encouraging the biological parents as they work toward reunification; this helps to form stronger partnerships with everyone working together to achieve better outcomes for children, youth, and their families. In Louisiana, two-thirds of children and youth are reunited with their families. This number compares with a little over half (51%) nationwide.
Community support is also crucial in helping caregivers provide quality parenting and support biological families. Individuals and organizations across the state are providing amazing support services for children and families. There are numerous examples in every region of the state that can be found at
Become a Foster Caregiver
Quality Parenting in Louisiana has genuinely made a positive difference in the lives of children and families involved in the child welfare system; however, with over 4,000 children and youth in foster care on any given day, there are ongoing needs. One of the greatest needs is for more foster caregivers, especially for older youth. There are over 1,000 Louisiana teens in foster care. These youth account for approximately 25 percent of the total population of children in foster care in Louisiana but only 4 percent of the state’s current foster families providing homes specifically for teens. When there aren’t enough families available for teens, it causes these young people to leave their schools, friends, activities, and communities. Research has consistently shown that young people who transition from foster care without caring connections and support experience poor outcomes at a much higher rate than their peers in the general population. A stable and supportive home increases a teen’s hope for the future and builds self-esteem and confidence.
Whether you are a foster caregiver for teens, a local business offering discounts to foster families, a church hosting special events for children and families, or providing other services, everyone can do something to support children and families in the foster care system. To learn more about how you can become involved, visit
If you or someone you know is interested in learning more about being a foster caregiver for teens, please email us at or visit