Ladies of Louisiana – Business
Jade Colin Youngest African American woman to own a McDonald’s franchise About Jade Colin Jade Colin has made history and great strides as an entrepreneur, becoming the youngest African-American woman ever to own a McDonald’s franchise at age 26. A native of New Orleans, Jade uses her education, experience and faith to encourage others and […]

Ladies of Louisiana – Community
K.C. Kilpatrick Founder, Geaux 4 Kids K.C. KilpatrickGeaux Bags Geaux Bags is an outreach project that serves children in crisis within the first 24 hours they are placed in foster care, providing an emergency bag filled with age-specific, basic necessities and comfort items for the first night. As a foster parent since 2013, Geaux 4 Kids […]

Governor’s Mansion Preservation Foundation
GOVERNOR’S MANSION PRESERVATION FOUNDATION The Louisiana Governor’s Mansion belongs to the people of our great state and Gov. Edwards and First Lady Donna Edwards are honored to call it home and help preserve its history for those who visit. Built in 1963 by former Gov. Jimmie Davis, the mansion is located in Baton Rouge on […]

Anti-Human Trafficking
LFF Anti-Human Trafficking P&A Features Trafficking is the fastest growing and second largest criminal industry in the United States and in Louisiana alone, over the last several years thousands of victims have been identified as either confirmed or prospective victims of human sex or labor trafficking. HUMAN TRAFFICKING PSA Donna Edwards speaks about the state-wide […]

Louisiana Fosters – 2nd Annual Event
Second Annual Louisiana Fosters Event September 21, 2018 Expanding the network of community and faith-based supports for foster parents was the focus of the second annual Louisiana Fosters event, hosted Sept. 21 at the Governor’s Mansion by First Lady Donna Edwards and the Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS). The summit featured guest speaker […]

Teach MAM
Teach MAM Teach MAM (Music, Art, Movement) is one of my initiatives to encourage schools to incorporate music, art and physical education courses in their daily curriculum. Studies prove that all three help develop the whole child and lead to success both in the classroom and in life. Teach MAM Ambassadors Meet our Teach MAM […]

Ladies of Louisiana – Military
Master Sergeant Sienna Schehr 159th Fighter Wing Human Resource Advisor Naval Air Station-Joint Reserve Base New Orleans Master Sergeant Sienna Schehr159th Fighter Wing Human Resource Advisor They are among our true heroes and in this inaugural edition, we are proud to salute Master Sergeant Sienna Schehr who is a member of the 159th Fighter Wing […]

November is Adoption Month
Kim & Kristyn Carver and “The 3 Carver Girls” In the fall of 2012, Kim & Kristyn Carver were invited to attend a gala in Washington, DC hosted by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute. Being the adoptive parents of two little girls, sisters, honoring those doing extraordinary work in the fields of adoption […]