James Storehouse
James Storehouse Louisiana is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that serves the foster care community with physical and relational resources that help to provide homes for kids coming into the system, and to transition youth aging out of the system into independence. From cribs to college, they serve kids in foster care.
In partnership with Louisiana’s Department of Children and Family Services, James Storehouse fulfills needs such as cribs, twin beds, bunkbeds, and wheelchair ramps to help ready homes, as well as dormitory fees and transportation costs for youth aging out of the system. They have even gifted senior rings and cap and gowns to celebrate foster youth who are graduating high school.
James Storehouse expanded their footprint after First Lady Donna Edwards launched Louisiana Fosters. Through that network, James Storehouse heard about a program called Open Table that helps to provide a strong support system for our youth who need to be empowered to transition well. Blue Cross Blue Shield Foundation awarded a grant to James Storehouse Louisiana to bring the program to the Florida Parishes (Livingston, Tangipahoa, St. Tammany, Washington, and St. Helena).
In this spirit of collaboration, Holy Trinity Lutheran Church in Covington then donated 4800 square feet of space to become James Storehouse Louisiana Youth and Family Development Center, a family-friendly community center that specifically serves our kids and families in the Foster Care system. Children visit with their biological parents in beautiful rooms filled with art supplies to enjoy together. Conference rooms filled with healing art hold family team meetings. Teens have a bright space where they play games, use computers, and attend life skills classes. A community room, complete with a kitchen, is available for special events and trainings for caseworkers and foster families. There is a library for kids of all ages for tutoring. James Storehouse Louisiana desires to see a community center near every child welfare office.
There is power in a strong network. James Storehouse Louisiana has become part of the Louisiana Fosters community to help build a stronger bridge from resource and relational supports to those in foster care.
There is a movement happening on behalf of our most vulnerable because local communities are stepping up and into foster care. One of the greatest reforms in the system is that the system would be known as a community, because it functions as one.
Kim Bigler, Founder, James Storehouse Louisiana
For more information about James Storehouse, including a list of resources available for foster parents, visit https://www.jslouisiana.org