Governor’s Fellow
Written by Allison Hunt

Governor’s Fellow Experience
Written by Allison Hunt
My experience in the Governor’s Fellows program has been full of knowledge, passion, and connections that will last a lifetime. It’s given me a new love and appreciation for Louisiana and its people. Traveling to different parts of the state and meeting so many passionate people about making Louisiana the best it can be has inspired me to continue to do the same.
Working in the First Lady’s Office this summer has taught me so many things, one being that we have the best First Lady in the country! Along with her office, she works tirelessly to make life better for children, teachers, and survivors through her Louisiana First Foundation. Getting to learn and help with that work has been an eye-opening experience. I have found a passion for fighting against human trafficking, and I plan to keep fighting after the fellowship ends. The Governor grants the opportunity to present a policy that we wrote with the help of our assigned offices. We present the policy proposal to him and his cabinet at the end of our time in Baton Rouge. I have seen firsthand how government works in Louisiana and even get to play a small part.
I have grown close with the other students in the program and can call some a best friend. I not only learned about the work my office does but almost every department in Louisiana because of the fellows sharing what they have learned. It’s given me a list of people I can count on if needed. I have immense respect for the First Lady, her team, and everyone I have had the pleasure of working with this summer because of the knowledge they hold, but also their compassion.
I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity of being a 2021 Governor’s Fellow in the First Lady’s office. I have learned so much, such as participating in grant writing, policy writing, anti-human traffic work, watching a rare veto session, and even creating the First Lady’s TikTok. Being a fellow is something I will remember forever and not take lightly; it has been an honor.