Volume 1, Edition 1
A word from the First Lady of Louisiana

Hello and welcome!
Thank you for spending a little time with me today. I’m so excited to begin this new journey of celebrating the people and places that make Louisiana such a wonderful place to call home, and having you join me is the icing on the cake. I must confess, never in my wildest dreams did I imagine one day I would have the privilege of serving this great state of Louisiana as your First Lady. But it is one of the most amazing opportunities I’ve had, and I consider it an honor and a blessing.
Traveling this beautiful state with my husband, Governor John Bel Edwards, has allowed me to meet many wonderful, inspiring, courageous Louisianans who are making a difference in their communities. These amazing people should be uplifted, supported and encouraged. That’s exactly what I hope to do by sharing their stories. There’s so much to be proud of and so much we can learn from each other.
I look forward to introducing you to some of the many educators, veterans, entrepreneurs, artists and people from across our state who are training our next generation of leaders, raising families and becoming forever families to children who need loving homes. These amazing Louisianans are volunteering, beating the odds by overcoming some of their toughest challenges, using creative ways to express their love for our state, helping start new businesses, providing jobs and giving back in big ways and small ways to their communities and to our state.
It’s going to be such an honor and joy getting to know each other. We will be learning, sharing and encouraging each other as we celebrate our state’s rich diversity, our culture and heritage through the wonderful people who make Louisiana the true treasure that it is.
As Thanksgiving nears, it is a reminder to me of how important family is to all of us. It’s also a reminder that family doesn’t always mean those related to us. As I leave another Foster Care event today and see communities coming together to surround our state’s children, OUR CHILDREN, I know how important it is to reach out and support our community families too. For more information on how you can help foster families and children please go to louisianafosters.la.gov!
I encourage everyone to volunteer where ever your heart leads you. Everyone needs a little extra hand especially this time of year. Let’s leave it better than we found it!
God bless you all and enjoy reading my new Loving Louisiana Blog,

In the fall of 2012, Kim & Kristyn Carver were invited to attend a gala in Washington, DC hosted by the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute. Being the adoptive parents of two little girls, sisters, honoring those doing extraordinary work in the fields of adoption and foster care was a perfect fit for the Carvers. But, little did they know that event would be the beginning of a major change for their family.
“We were busy professionals raising two toddlers at the time,” shares Kristyn, a professor of psychology and counseling at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. “We knew nothing about foster care at the time, the plight of vulnerable children in care or the biological and foster families who care for them. There are so many constraints on the system and we were in the dark.”
Click for more…

Louisiana First Foundation
Yes Mam, No Mam, Thank you Mam = Teach MAM!




The Louisiana Governor’s Mansion belongs to the people of our great state and Gov. Edwards and First Lady Donna Edwards are honored to call it home and help preserve its history for those who visit. Built in 1963 by former Gov. Jimmie Davis, the mansion is located in Baton Rouge on Capitol Lake near the State Capitol. It’s designed in the Greek Revival style, which was the dominant style in Louisiana after 1830.
Ladies of Louisiana Making a Difference





First Lady\’s
Thanksgiving Dressing Recipe
Free up some oven space this Thanksgiving and make a classic cornbread dressing in your crockpot. I have a feeling that this easy crockpot recipe will be a new annual tradition at your family’s Thanksgiving dinner.
The First Dogs




The Edwards family loves our fur babies and here at the Mansion we have three dogs, Molly, Bandit and Lady. Molly, a Morkie, is the smallest and the oldest. Weighing in at a whopping 3.5 lbs, she’s bit bossy and definitely thinks she’s in charge.
Bandit, our Golden Retriever, loves to chase tennis balls and wrestle with Lady. But his absolute favorite thing to do is hang out with John Miller.
Lady, a Bichon, is the youngest. Aside from running through mud puddles and chasing Bandit, she enjoys being carried like a baby and loves to snuggle.
Lucy is a rescue and belongs to Samantha. She has frequent visits to the Mansion to see her family.
All four dogs love to show off their tricks. With a quick command, they’ll sit, lay down and rollover. Bandit will even play dead and shake your hand.
There’s no telling what they’ll get into next, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. They are an absolute joy. Stay tuned for more shenanigans from the First Dogs!