The Louisiana Alliance
of Children’s Advocacy Centers

The Louisiana Alliance
of Children’s Advocacy Centers
For over 38 years Children’s Advocacy Centers (CACs) have been caring for victims of child abuse in Louisiana. By providing a safe and child-friendly environment, CACs have helped to empower and restore the lives of thousands of kids. In 2018, CACs served over 6,000 kids across the state. Of those, 228 were either victims or at high risk of child trafficking.
Children who are trafficked first enter a CAC with law enforcement or child protection services. In a CAC, kids share their experience with specially trained and trauma informed interviewers. The CAC records the interview for court evidence, reducing the number of times a child has to talk about the details of their abuse.
Then, the CAC collaborates with all agencies involved in the investigation to ensure that children get the care they need. Throughout this process, victims meet with CAC advocates who provide support and services to the entire family. Human trafficking is a complicated type of abuse, and child victims of trafficking need specialized services. There are even centers in Louisiana that have dedicated staff to support child abuse victims who have been trafficked.
Identification of child trafficking victims is increasing, making it clear that there is more work to be done. The Louisiana Alliance of Children’s Advocacy Centers (LACAC) has partnered with the Office of the Governor for a new federally funded project, the Louisiana Child and Youth Trafficking Collaborative (LCYTC). Through the LCYTC, nine CACs or partner agencies across the state will hire Regional Child and Youth Trafficking Coordinators. These coordinators will help meet the unique and holistic needs of victims, conduct trainings in their communities, and bring together partner agencies to ensure no child falls through the cracks. CACs are poised and ready to expand their services to child trafficking victims and continue the mission of serving the children of Louisiana.
For more information about LACAC and Louisiana CACs, click here.